Our team has extensive experience in the NHS and a thorough knowledge of how the health service works.
We have worked in a variety of senior operational roles within the NHS including Estates and Facilities, Procurement, Information Technology (IT) and Finance. This combination of expertise enables us to help our clients deliver major change in their organisations. Using our experience, we can baseline the current situation by reviewing existing information and engaging with key stakeholders. We can highlight areas of concern and can assist clients to maximise resources and generate cost savings from efficiencies and workflow output.
Information management and technology is often a key enabler for change and process improvement. We have managed large in-house teams to implement clinical systems such as Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (EPMA) which brought about large-scale change.
At the core of our consulting work is the transfer of skills from our team to client staff.
Client Testimonial
EcoVate Group (EcoVate) were instrumental in providing expert Project Management support to the Trust to facilitate the review of their EU Exit contingency planning over a 6-month period. The support ensured a timely delivery of all EU Exit Risk Assessment and Mitigation planning to the DHSC, through the application of Prince 2 Methodology and Project Governance processes.
EcoVate worked successfully with key workstream leads across the Trust to ensure that a review of procurement spend and supply chain assurance was carried out. This included leading on mitigation activities and delivering all project outputs and assurance documents to the DHSC and NHSE&I as required.
EcoVate worked successfully with key workstream leads across the Trust to ensure that a review of procurement spend and supply chain assurance was carried out. This included leading on mitigation activities and delivering all project outputs and assurance documents to the DHSC and NHSE&I as required.
Phill WellsDirector of Finance Homerton University NHS Foundation Trust