Energy Frameworks

EcoVate Group’s specialist energy, procurement consultancy and advisory services are committed to partnering with the NHS and Public Sector Organisations to reduce carbon emissions, energy consumption and costs; today, tomorrow, 2030 and 2050 targets. EcoVate established and manage one framework that assists the public sector in addressing carbon reduction targets (DEMAND), energy requirements (SUPPLY), backlog maintenance and asset management. Our innovative and professional team of specialists will compliment NHS and other Public Sector Organisations to ensure that their energy, assets and supplies are procured by compliant processes and offer savings.

The Strategic Energy and Asset Management Performance Framework (SEAM) Framework addresses Demand Side needs such as local generation, heating, ventilation and control systems, building fabric and other relevant energy saving technologies for the healthcare environment and other public sector contracting authorities, whilst addressing backlog maintenance.

  • Renewable energy technology, wind, solar, heat pumps;
  • Other local electricity generation technologies;
  • Low-temperature hot water (LTHW) conversions and de-steaming of sites;
  • District heating installation and management;
  • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) upgrades;
  • Lighting and lighting controls;
  • Building management system (BMS) upgrades;
  • Automated metering and targeting (AM&T);
  • Building fabric upgrades; and
  • Water efficiencies and conservation.

Get in touch with us to start procuring the services you need to help with your contribution towards Net Zero and cost-effective management of electricity, gas, fuels, water, renewable energy and related services!

Framework Contacts

David de Wet, Managing Director
EcoVate Group

Nick Ray, Energy and Projects Director
EcoVate Group

Michael Blades, Energy and Sustainability Officer
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Client Testimonial

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